Friday, February 27, 2009

Birthday Boy

This past week we celebrated Ethan's sixth birthday. He got to celebrate his birthday twice this year! On his actually birthday he got to celebrate it at school and Grandpa and Granny Morrell came up from Provo that night and took him to the restaurant of his choice (Artic Circle)! On Saturday he had a birthday party where we let him invite whoever he wanted. Ethan chose a basketball theme and invited neighborhood friends, friends from school, his baby sitter, two nine year old girl friends, aunts, uncles, and even his grandma and grandpa. He hand wrote most of the invitations!

Here is Ethan at his party opening presents. We were amazed at how well behaved the kids were!

Ethan even had three little princesses make an appearance at the party for cupcakes!

Later that night Micah took Ethan and his cousin Taylor to the Jazz game against the Hornets. Here they are ready to go all decked out in their Jazz jerseys!

Uncle Russell and Aunt Nat were also at the game that night. They let Ethan and Micah sit in their third row seats during the second half of the game. Thanks guys!

Here is the view from the third row of two of Ethan's favorite players: D Will, and Millsap.

We l0ve you Ethan! Happy Sixth Birthday!


JennM said...

Happy #6 Ethan~!! What a big boy.

Desi said...

I love him so much! It was good to see the kids yesterday.